Lights, camera, video interview

Imagine if before any meet and greet in person, you had the opportunity to mentally prepare and answer pre-recorded video questions via a video interview. All from the comfort of your own home (and slippers). 

When you apply for a specific job or register for future opportunities, we may invite you to complete a video interview as part of our recruitment process – where you answer our pre-recorded video questions using your webcam or mobile device at a time that suits you, day or night. The technology is easy to use and totally secure.

Sure the face to face interview is inevitable, and we can’t wait to meet you in real life. But video interviewing provides you with a chance to ease your way into the recruitment process. To dust off any cobwebs. Or practice that elevator pitch, and re-record if you don’t nail it the first time. And for us, we grasp an overall sense of culture and capability fit, far beyond any email or phone call. A win-win.

But wait, there’s more. Here are five reasons why taking on the video interview challenge will help you secure your next gig.

You quickly become more than a name on a resume.

And we quickly become more than a name on a business card. You will have a face and a voice. We will have a face and voice. Don’t worry, we talk first. So you can click on the link we send you and just laugh at us if you like.

You are more than your skills and experience.

Skills and experience are important to our clients, but so is team fit and personality. A video interview gives us a small window into your personality. And, if you give us your permission, we can show this to our client as part of the recruitment process. Cool, huh?

It’s super convenient.

As long as you have a computer or laptop with a webcam or a smartphone with video recording functionality you are good to go. You can record your answers anytime, anywhere. You can even interview in your slippers if you want.

Things can happen faster.

Completing a video interview enables us to consider you for the right roles, in the right locations, in the most efficient way to ensure you land your next opportunity as soon as possible.

But! It’s no face-to-face interview.

In most cases, a video interview won’t replace a face to face meeting between you and us. It is usually just a better way to engage with you than tracking you down during business hours. Leaving cryptic messages. Playing phone tag. While your boss gets suspicious. Awkward.

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